Bali traditional clothings

Bali traditional clothings indeed vary widely, although on the face of seemingly the same. Each area in Bali has typical and symbolic jewelry, based on the activity / ritual, sex and age of users. Social and economic status a person can be based on the pattern clothing and jewelry in a jewelry their use.

Traditional men's clothing in Bali usually consists of udeng (Ikat head), cloth shawl (sarung), umpal (wrap tape), kain wastra (cloth from a short sheath, usually yellow, black and white), scoop, and keris Ornament many kinds jewelry that show the degree amupun caste. For men, often the clothes worn shirt, jacket, and footwear as a complement.

Women traditional clothing, usually consisting of Bali curve (bun), sesenteng (kemben songkets), cloth wastra, prada belt (stagen) convolve pinggul and chest. Selendang songkets shoulder to bottom, tapih cloth or sinjang on the inside, and various additional Ornament showing of degrees and caste. For women often balinese also be good, cover breasts, and footwear as a complement.


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