Bali traditional dances

Art Dance in bali in general, the distinction into three types, there is tarian wali, it is doing the dance at a ceremony or a ceremony at the sacral. Examples of dances from the Guardian is Berutuk, Sang Hyang Dedari, and Rejang Line Gede.

The second type of art dances in bali is the tarian bebali , it doing for the ceremony and to be in the show for visitors. An example of this dance is Gambuh, Topeng Pajegan, and Wayang Wong.

And the third is the last dance is tarian Balih-balihan or dance art to be the director of entertainment witnessed by many tourists in the country and foreign tourists. Example Balih dance - is balihan Legong, Parwa, Arja, Prembon and Joged, and various types of other modern dance choreography.

In addition to the type of dance are also tarian kecak, Kecak dance is very popular in the world. Kecak dance was created around 1930 by an Wayan Limbak and nationality of German painter Walter Spies named. Basic idea of the Kecak dance is a tradition Sanghyang in Bali and there is a part - the story of Ramayana. Kecak Dance in popular by the Wayan Limbak together wit his dancers at the time show around the world


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