Garuda Wisnu Kencana monument story

Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is located in Bukit Unggasan - Jimbaran, Bali. This statue is the work of famous statue carver of Bali, I Nyoman Nuarta. Monuments in this park developed as a cultural and tourism icon for the Bali and Indonesia. This monument tells of the god Vishnu in the Hindu god is the Guardian, in a bird Garuda. Garuda this figure can be viewed in the episode in which garuda Adi Parwa story. Garuda & his kingdom the storied the sense of filial piety and the Garuda bird to save his mother from slavery, which ultimately protected by the god Vishnu.

The statue is projected to bind with the spatial distance view up to 20 km so that it can be seen from the Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua and Tanah Lot. Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is a symbol of the mission of saving the environment and the world, inspired from the story of a bird in the story of the garuda. The statue is made from a mixture of copper and 4,000 tons of steel , with 75 meters high and 60 meters wide.


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